Pauline Boyes' Prayer Chain

Posted 15 years, 3 months ago by Matt Chamberlin - Youth Co-ordinator    2 comments

As we approach our communion services tomorrow let us give thanks that we have this wonderful opportunity to remember & celebrate what our loving Lord has done for us, in purchasing our salvation with His own life on the cross.
Let us pray that we will all prepare ourselves for this special time. Pray God's wisdom & guidance for Kevin as he presents His message, pray also for the musicians & everyone taking part in any way, may God be honoured by it all.
Uphold Peter & Debbie & their helpers & all the Kings Kids, also Matt & Stephanie with the Wired group, remember also Katherine & Marie with our tiniest members. Pray that God will use these times to plant His seeds in their minds to grow a tremendous & lasting faith.
Please continue to pray for Matt & & our young people as they seek to find the way forward for the 7pm Ignite service.Pray god's inspiration & guidance for them all & a real sense of excitement as He gives them a vision of the future.
Pray for the group planning & working for the all age Family Camp in August. Pray families will be making plans to come & church members helping where necessary. Pray we will all make the best of this opportunity remembering the blessings of past camps.
Remember those attending the Alpha course, may this be a time of real learning & blessing. Pray also for the courses being held in other churches, may God increase the spiritual life in the Howick district.
Remember those who work with the youth in our community, Girls & Boys Brigades, Girl Guides & Scouts, Bible in schools, & the many youth groups. Pray that these young people will find good friends in these groups & learn right behaviour & how to consider others. Uphold Matt & David Hoe & others who work in our colleges.
Continue to pray for our study groups and their leaders, may these regular meetings bring us closer to God & to one another. Pray also for the outreach into the community of M&Ms, the OP Shop, Girls Brigade & the Food Bank, may we always be ready to give a reason for our faith.
Please pray for our sick & needy folk especially at this time, Val Cotterill with bad shingles, Julie Watson having trouble getting her wound healed so she can start radio therapy, Eileen & Bill Monro, Doreen Gibson & Betty Brown:- for those who mourn, the family of Helen Anderson, & for Joan Batkin. Continue to pray for those who have been made redundant or who know their jobs are threatened. Uphold also those whose retirement income has fallen drastically, Pray that in these uncertain & fearful times we may all remember we have a faithful God who has promised to always provide & care for His children.
Please pray especially for a young solo mother who has breast cancer & is having surgery on Monday. Pray skill for the surgeon & healing & peace of mind for the patient & her family.
Uphold the North family in Japan as they prepare for a regional conference this week, pray also for the financial situation both for the mission & for the family pray their needs will be a 100% met. Continue to uphold David here in NZ for complete healing & return to health & strength.
Thank you for bringing these needs before God's throne & praise Him for His wonderful faithfulness in hearing & answering our prayers. What a wonderful service we had with our Girls Brigade service last week. Keep praying & expecting great things from our great God.


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