Pauline Boyes' Prayer Chain

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago by Matt Chamberlin - Youth Co-ordinator    2 comments

Give thanks for God's care & provision of us over this last week & for the opportunity for many to have a break. Pray safety for all travelling & inspite of the weather a happy & restful time.
Please remember all our services tomorrow & Kevin as he leads them all, the 8.45am., 10am., Ignite at 7pm. Uphold all who will be taking part in any way, musician, technicians, those reading God's word & leading us in prayer. Especially uphold Kevin as he brings us God's message & may God's Spirit help us to understand & be obedient in our response.
Uphold our ministry team, Kevin & his family as they have a few days off this week, Cherie & her family, Matt in his busy life, Stuart leading our music team each week, Peter & Debbie Jessup & family having some time off. Pray all will return to their tasks renewed & refreshed. Remember Bob Moody & the team who look after our buildings & property, give thanks for their faithful work & the great job they do.
Please pray for our young people spending a weekend away at Raglan this weekend. Uphold Matt & Stephanie & their helpers, may this be a special time of fun & fellowship & bonding & trusting Jesus more &. Pray safe travel for them all.
Please continue to uphold the young adults as they meet week by week at Ignite on Sunday evenings, pray guidance for them as they continue to pursue the best course for this Sunday evening service. May they seek to Honour God in their decisions & seek to grow in grace & in knowledge of Him.
Give thanks for Alpha course just finished & pray for the weekend meeting where they concentrate on the Holy Spirit & His place in our Christian walk. Pray all will be richly blessed by this.
Continue to remember Susan & Stuart Mudford & their team as they work on their plans for family camp in mid August. May God provide everything that is necessary to make this the most memorable camp so far. Pray that we will help as many families as possible to be able to attend.
Pray for Kevin & the preparation being done for the Church & study group series being planned for the end of this month."Just walk across the room" Pray as many folk as possible will avail themselves of the opportunity to take part in this.
In this winter weather remember all who are unwell with 'flu & nasty colds, the elderly who find this time a trial, particularly remember Lenore Dixon, & Zelma Old both in hospital, Val Cotterill, Doreen Gibson, Bill & Eileen Monro, Betty Brown, Margaret & Harry Coatsworth. Give thanks that Marjorie Holmes is home & much better, pray for all these folks & others who are vulnerable that God will uphold them during the rest of this miserable weather. Please also continue to pray for those who are looking for work, pray there will be a break- through for them & for those anxious for the future with reduced income or the possibility of being made redundant,pray for peace & hope & a sure knowledge of God's wonderful faithful love & care for all His children.
Thank you again for faithfully bringing these & other needs of our parish before our wonderful Lord who has promised to hear & answer all our prayers. What a tremendous privilege we have to be able to come before the throne of Almighty God with our prayer & praise & know this is what He wants us to do. May we also quietly listen to Him as He speaks to us as we read His word, worship with others & meditate on the beauty of His creation & His great love for us in sending Jesus.
of God's faithful provision for all His children.


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