Pauline Boyes' Prayer Chain

Posted 15 years, 9 months ago by Pauline Boyes    2 comments


Give thanks for God's continued love & care for us & all His children, this beautiful land in which we live, the freedom we enjoy & the plenty most us have even in hard times. Pray we will always be sensitive to the prompting of His Spirit as He asks us to care & share with others.
As we hear God's word to us in the messages we listen to today, pray we will be obedient to what He asks us to do. Uphold Kevin, Wayne & anyone else who brings a message from the Lord, may His words have real power,conviction & direction for all.
Pray for all who assist in our services, musicians, technicians, readers & for Peter Jessup & Kings Kids, may all that is done honour our Lord & help our worship to be acceptable & uplifting.
Please remember Kevin, Miranda, Eden & Talor as they continue to settle into our parish & get to know  us better. Pray God's guidance & care for each one & especially for Eden now at Tech. in Tauranga.
Uphold our ministry team as they oversee the work of the parish & the property committee who do such a great job managing the upkeep of our buildings & land. Pray they will all receive all the help they need both spiritually & physically to carry out  their work. Pray for the meeting of session council this coming Monday evening that God will direct all matters discussed & decisions made.
Continue to uphold the youth work in all departments, M&Ms, Girls Brigade, Peter & Debbie Jessup with Kings Kids, the creche, Wired & older youth. Pray God will bless & prosper all this as young people learn more about Him & His great love for each one of them.
Please continue to pray for the 7.01 service, Kevin, Wayne & Matt as they lead it, Pray protection & growth in faith for those young people as they feel the pull of the world & the temptations that brings. Please pray for Matt as he starts a prayer meeting on Saturday mornings 9. to 9.30am for the period of Lent, let us support him if we can.
Pray God's love, peace & comfort for those who mourn the loss of loved ones especially the family of Rose Nicholls & the family of Nancy Dowthwaite. Remember also our frail & elderly members, Betty Brown, Doreen Gibson, Eileen & Bill Monro as they settle into Gulf Views, Val Cotterill & others, may they be very conscious of God's love with them always.
As Easter approaches pray the meaning of this wonderful season will become more & more real to each one of us. Uphold all who will be going to camps & special teaching programmes being prepared; may the faith of the whole church be enriched & God's witness in the world through us His people bear much fruit & bring Him honour & praise.  Thank you for praying.



Matt Chamberlin
15 years, 9 months ago
From Pauline

Praise God for His wonderful creation which we see to perfection in the weather we have been experiencing over this last week.

Please pray for all our services being held on Sunday and Kevin as he leads the 8.45am & 10am. & the 7.01pm lead by Wayne. Pray God's Spirit will speak to every worshipper through the message given in word & in music & in power point presentation. May God be honoured as we praise Him

Uphold all the youth work taking place, from the creche with Katherine, Marie with the youngest children, Peter & Debbie with Kings Kids, Matt & Stephanie & others with Wired & other teen age children. Pray the children may enjoy this time as they learn about Jesus & His love for each one.

Pray also for Wayne, Kevin & Matt as they lead the Ignite service at 7pm. Pray for all the young people who come to this service or have come in the past, may they take a real interest in the messages brought each evening & have their own input also. Pray this service will grow & become a vital & exciting place for our young people to come to & grow their faith.

Uphold the planning for the Alpha Dinner to be held this coming Thursday evening. Pray for a good attendance & a great interest in the course to be held towards the end of April. Pray God will stir hearts to seek Him through these coming evenings.

Pray for our services to be held at Easter & on the evenings of Holy week just prior to Good Friday. Pray God's inspiration as the messages are prepared. Uphold Stuart & the choir as they practise the Easter music, may all we do to present this tremendous story of God's great love for each one of us & the whole world cause us to bow in humble adoration as we praise & worship Him.

Remember our Op Shop in the work they do so faithfully day after day. Pray there will always be people available for all the jobs & give thanks that business is keeping up. May this always be a vital witness in our community. Uphold the hard working committee.

Continue to uphold our kindergarten, pray blessings on all those little children as they begin their school experience. Pray for the principal & all the staff & Heather as manager; pray also for the board of trustees remembering that a new chairman needs to be found shortly. Praise God for His hand on this work.

Please remember all our members frail & unwell at the moment, Sam McCay as he recovers from surgery, Val Cotterill having a cataract operation this week, Eileen & Bill Monro in Gulf Views, Doreen Gibson. This week we have been praying for Andy Bray who has been seriously ill, please continue to uphold him he is still very ill also an elderly woman having difficulty recovery from the after affects of surgery for cancer.

As Easter approaches may we all prepare ourselves for this very special time in our church life. Let us all pray that God will witness through His people as to the importance of Jesus death & resurrection is to all mankind. Pray there will be a real seeking after the true meaning of this season & that our churches will tell out the "Good News" of mans salvation through Jesus our Lord. God Bless you all as you pray.
Matt Chamberlin
15 years, 8 months ago
From Pauline Boyes

Give thanks for the good weather we have experienced over the school holidays & now they are nearly over we should get some much needed rain. Praise God for His wonderful provision for us all.

Pray safe travel for all returning home, pray for considerate drivers & all road users.

Please remember our services this weekend, when Ruth & Robin Bailey who hove worked with Dolores Winder will be taking the 8.45am & 10am services. May we truly worship God in every part of the services & be conscious of His Spirit at work in our midst. Pray for musicians & technicians as they help us in our worship. Remember also Ignite service at 7pm. & the meeting earlier with Kirsty as they seek God's will for this evening service.

Please pray also for the prayer ministry workshop to be held on Monday evening in the Sanctuary at 7.30pm. this is also being lead by Ruth & Robert Bailey, come if you can.

Please uphold all our youth programmes as they begin again next week. M&Ms on Tuesday morning & Girls Brigade in the evening same day. Pray for all the leaders & helpers as they prepare & finalise their programmes. Pray for the Kindergarten as they commence the winter term, give thanks for all who have worked over the holidays to improve their grounds. Uphold all the staff, children & the board of trustees & Heather as manager. Please keep in your prayers the need for a new chairperson & new tustees. Please also remember Bible in schools beginning this week also. Give thanks for all those faithful teachers going week by week, pray their lessons will bring a new awareness of God & His world into the lives of these children.

On Thursday this week we commence the new Alpha course, please uphold this in prayer, all who will be preparing food, the host family, the leader & every person attending. Pray God's Spirit will be preparing hearts for His message & that this time will be very fruitful & perhaps life changing for all.

Please pray for all our study groups as they meet, uphold the leaders in their preparation & may each member realise they have an important part to play in their group as they learn more about our wonderful God & the part their faith plays in everyday life.

Please continue to uphold those who are unwell, those who are grieving, those who are anxious for the future for themselves & for their loved ones. We especially remember Joan Batkin & her family, Bill & Eileen Monro, Betty Brown , Margaret Coatsworth, & Laura Blow & for Jenny Harrison in her ongoing journey with cancer. May all these folk be conscious of God's constant love & His strong arms supporting them.

Thank you one & all for being partners in this important work in God's Kingdom, continue to uphold Kevin & the ministry team as they do their part. Let us thank & praise God for answered prayer & pray He will keep us faithful & obedient in our tasks.

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